The Truth About Moving

The Truth About Moving - picture of couple watching movers put boxes on truck

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As many of you know, we’re finally moving this weekend after many weeks of anticipation. It’s a bittersweet feeling, for sure, packing up all your stuff and leave the house you’ve known for so long.  After all, this house is where we brought both of our kids home from the hospital.  It’s where most of our memories with our children have taken place so far.  And, since we did a lot of the remodeling ourselves, it’s a place that we feel very connected to.  I scraped linoleum floors in this place, laid and grouted all the tile, and lovingly decorated every single room.  When we first decided that Greg would take his new job, we were initially excited to sell our house and move.  But, as the reality of the situation hit, we’ve become miserable and unstable, and ready to get this show on the road.

Although our move marks the end of an era, it’s also a new beginning.  We’re moving to a place that I have always wanted to live.  And, fortunately, our kids will now attend one of the top ten school systems in the state.  We’re also excited to find a new home that we can decorate and make our own.  And, I truly think that we’ll be happy that we went through all of this once it’s over.  It’s just been a painfully slow experience, selling our house then having to wait 45 days before we could move.

Moving Sucks

We’re fortunate that we found a small house that we can rent temporarily and we’re even luckier that we’ve already got the keys.  For the last few weeks, we’ve been taking stuff over to the house.  So, at the moment, about half of our stuff is at each place.  Awesome.  It’s kind’ve annoying to realize you need something that’s at the other house or that you accidentally packed something that you shouldn’t have.  The other night I hand-mashed potatoes because Greg had already packed my mixer.  I felt all Amish and everything and our mashed potatoes turned out lumpy.  Not the end of the world, of course, but I’m more than ready to live in one place instead of having our belongings scattered here and there.

We’re running out of groceries and lacking the motivation to buy any since we’ll have to move them anyway.  So, last night, Greg and the kids had mac-n-cheese and a steam-in-the-bag package of corn for dinner.  I had a salad made only of toppings because I realized we were out of lettuce after I had already cut up tomatoes, carrots, and mushrooms.  Sigh.

We’re Stressed Out

The other day, I was wrestling with my four-year-old in the living room, holding her down and poking her in the chest.  She always screams and laughs hysterically when I do this, until she finally starts trying to bargain her way out of the situation.  She’ll usually yell “I’ll pick up my toys!” or some other empty promise.  But, this time, she yelled “I’ll leave you alone!”  When I kept tickling her, she yelled, “I’ll give you some quiet time!”

When I realized that she thought I wanted her to leave me alone, it broke my heart.  We’ve been so stressed out lately that we’ve had much less patience in general.  And, here my four-year-old was…..promising to leave me alone, as if I didn’t want to be around her.  Obviously, this wasn’t my best moment as a parent.  And, I used that experience as a wake-up call to be more positive when I’m around her.  I want my kids to be excited to move, after all.  And, how can I expect them to be excited if their two parents aren’t?

We’re Ready to Move On

I’ll miss this house even though I absolutely hate so many things about it.  At this point, I know we’re ready to move on and put this entire experience behind us.  I am so ready to close the door on this chapter and more onto the next chapter in our lives.  And, once we find our “forever home,” I never want to go through this again.

Do you like moving?  Has your view on moving changed over the years?

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  1. Awww, you’ll get through it. I never minded moving all that much (it’s pretty easy when all you’ve got is 1 or 2 rooms worth of stuff) but if we had to move out of this place it would be a giant pain in the butt. Good luck with the move – and maybe keep the summer clothes packed to save work in case you find your dream house soon!

    1. Ha! Well, the good news is that all of our boxes will be in the basement. So, if we need something we can go down and dig it out.

  2. Moving is definitely a huge pain in the ass. And I’ve never even done it with kids, which I’m sure adds about 50 layers of complexity to it. It’s huge though that you guys were able to get the keys to the new place before you had to be out of the old one. That makes it a lot less stressful. By the way, I would have trouble leaving the old place too, no matter how many things I disliked about it. It was a part of your life for a while and has a lot of happy memories attached to it. Not an easy thing to leave behind.

  3. I detest moving. It’s right up there with peas. The thought of packing up box after box is one thing. But moving all the heavy furniture is what really gets me. Funny thing is I still want to move. Thankfully I can live vicariously through you right now. 🙂

    1. We hired movers for the big stuff. It’s not worth it to hurt ourselves.

  4. I despise moving, but I like the motivation to purge the accumulated junk. Good luck with the move – they are generally bittersweet (my last one was for sure).

    Also, I thought everyone mashed potatoes by hand?

  5. I’ve not had to move with kids yet (well, unless you count moving with an almost-two-year-old). That sounds stressful! And I’m sure there’s a sense of loss for them too, since it’s the only place they’ve known. Hope you can find ways to build some excitement for them!

    1. My 2 year old is oblivious but my 4 year old says she’s excited!

  6. Moving does kind of suck. Being in a “transition” stage can be difficult. I think moving gets worse as you get older. Moving into our first apartment wasn’t too bad, and was even fun. Moving from there to our house was definitely stressful and tiring. We didn’t have much furniture before, but now we have quite a bit. Next time we move we might have kids. I can’t imagine moving with kids! So much more to think about.

    1. I loved moving before we had kids. But, it is much harder this time.

  7. I hate moving…if I never have to move again I would not be disappointed. I can’t imagine moving with kids…and I hate when something is packed and you need it. The one good thing about moving is that stuff usually is pared down. Good luck finishing up moving!

    1. We had a huge garage sale this summer and got rid of a ton of stuff. So, thankfully we don’t have a lot of excess. We just have the stuff that we use regularly.

  8. Moving is probably my least favorite thing to do in this world. I would rather go to the dentist. I would like to say I don’t plan on moving again, but there is a good chance it will probably happen in the next 5 -7 years since we want to live in another country and I don’t think science has found a way to make that happen without moving…

  9. I do not like the whole aspect of moving but there is always an exciting part in it. Especially if your new place is better than the old one, it always feels good to move. There is always something the new house or the new neighborhood has to offer that you didn’t have.

    1. That’s true! It is kind’ve exciting, I suppose. We’re moving to a house on 2 acres and I’m excited to see if we like it!

  10. I don’t mind moving, but every time I move I am struck by HOW MUCH STUFF I HAVE and how it makes me want to smash something. I’ll be doing a cross-country move in 8 months or so, and now I’ve decided not to 1. buy anything for the rest of the year and methodically start getting rid of stuff so I don’t want to smash something during the moving process come next summer.

    1. Great idea! It will make your move that much easier!

  11. Whether or not I like moving is irrelevant at this point since my hubby is career military. I’m guessing we have 3-5 moves ahead of us until we are in our “forever home.” I do like the part of moving where you get to explore a new city/state (or hopefully one day, country!) but I LOATHE packing and unpacking boxes. I still have unpacked boxes in my basement because there’s some stuff that just doesn’t fit anywhere!

    1. Awwww!!!!!

      Well, I bet it is neat to experience new cities!!!!

  12. Ben @ The Wealth Gospel says:

    I hate everything about moving. In fact, we moved into our new house a month ago and there’s still a bunch of crap in boxes that we haven’t touched because I just don’t want to unpack them…

    1. Yep! I’m sure we’ll be that way for a while.

  13. I loathe moving! We haven’t had to do it with kids yet and can relate as this is the only house they have known and experienced so much of our lives in it. I couldn’t imagine doing it right now as we just have so much crap, which grows with each kid. Good luck with the move this weekend and hope you don’t have to hand mash potatoes too much longer. 🙂

    1. Ha! Me too! I didn’t really have a potato masher either so I just used a spatula.

  14. We’ve moved 4 times in the last 6 years and the excitement has certainly decreased with each one.

    Luckily for us, it was mostly moving from a one bedroom apartment to the next. That was until the last move which saw us go into a four bedroom. That was still easy though because we had (and still only have) furniture to fill a one bedroom.

    We also hired a moving company for the last move because we had certainly had enough of it over the years. As you, we were extremely stressed out by the whole process in the first three moves. The moving company helped relieve some, but not all of the stress of the fourth.

    Good luck!

    1. We hired a moving company for our furniture. We have some heavy stuff and neither one of us want to get hurt moving it up and down the stairs. The money spent is well worth it IMO.

  15. I would rather eat bugs than move at this point. The next time we move will be after getting rid of our stuff to massively downsize, hopefully after our daughter graduates from high school.

    1. I hear ya, Kim! After we move from our rental to the next place, that will hopefully be it for a while!

  16. I hate moving and I haven’t move that much in my life. It is very tedious, time consuming and a lot of hard work, even if you use a moving company. And I absolutely think a moving company is necessary. I don’t even know how I’d move some of my heavier furniture. It doubly sucks that you have to move twice, but I’m sure moving from the rental to your new house eventually will be much easier.

  17. There are parts that I don’t like and parts that I do. I enjoyed decorating a new place. However, I hate packing.

    Good luck with the move!

    1. I hate packing too! It’s especially difficult since we’re still using most of our “stuff.”

  18. I hate moving. When I moved out of the house my exhusband and I owned it broke my heart to drive up the driveway and drop them off. One day my oldest daughter was really excited that she had gotten a new bed at her dads house. She begged me to come in and look at it so I did. The moment I walked into my house, the one that we remodeled together, and had brought both of our girls home from the hospital to, I instantly had tears in my eyes. It’s gotten easier with time but the house will always bring back so many good memories for me.

    1. Awwwww…..that makes me sad! That sucks that he got to keep the house!

  19. I think moving is like number two after death and just before a job loss as the most stressful life events. There’s a reason, it’s sucks! But once you’re settled in you’ll forget all about it, and Greg won’t have a harsh commute anymore, so that should also relieve a lot of stress. Hope you enjoy the new location and house!

  20. I don’t like moving. I moved every year in college. We signed an 18 month lease when we moved into our current apartment. Our lease ends in January, and we are trying to find a house before then!

  21. Aww I’m so sorry. Moving is never fun. When we were kids, we moved so often, however, I never really remembered much of it. All I remember are the 12 elementary schools that I went to! UGH

  22. Ugh, moving is the worst. It sounds like you guys are close to getting it done though. Keep as much in boxes as you can as I’m sure you’ll be moving to your final home soon enough. Good luck!

    And really cute story about your kid. That was precious…

  23. Moving suuuuucks indeed. PArt of the reason why I ended up not selling last year thank goodness is b/c of the pain of finding a new place. Not easy in hot SF.

    Easiest thing to do is to do nothing!

    1. You’re right! Unfortunately, that isn’t an option at this point.

  24. After moving myself into our apartment this summer, and helping my parents move, I am packed-out. I tried to label boxes as best as possible, but some things slipped through. I like the idea of moving/starting over, but not the physical aspects! I was so upset when we left our first home; my dad and I spent our last night there reminiscing on the deck. It’s a nice memory I have. For some reason I wasn’t as upset this past time, probably because we were all ready to move on.

  25. This is so interesting for me to read. After moving a lot, I’ve lost the sentimental connection to a home in that sense. I don’t even nest. My apartment looks very similar to when I moved in.

    Sometimes when I walk through Bed, Bath and Beyond I think, “one day it’ll be fun to nest.” Not sure when that day will be.

    Good luck with the move and finding that forever home. I’m sure things will start to feel normal again soon!

  26. Does anyone like moving? Seriously, I can’t think of anything I dislike more. (Maybe cause I’m CONSTANTLY moving and living out of a suitcase.) I don’t understand how people do it for a living.

  27. We’re in a big dilemma ourselves with the moving thing and we’re trying to figure out if it would be a good idea to move or stay where we are. Personally, I am excited about the whole moving thing, but from what you say, you were too at the beginning and now things have changed. Definitely something to consider.

  28. I don’t hate moving. I just hate the first couple of weeks when you’re in a new place and your not quite at home yet. But sometimes change really stinks unfortunately.

  29. It’s something I’ve gotten better at over the years (I might be nearing 30 moves by now). But I have a lot less stuff and am single, so it’s easier for me to make do with just a bed, bathroom, and the next day’s clothes.

    As for memories, I don’t know when it happened, but I started associating memories with people rather than places, so as long as I can still get in touch with that person, I’m not nostalgic for any of my old homes….

    Good luck. I know you’ll get through it 🙂

  30. I freakin hate moving. I did it so much in college and before we bought our house. My wife and I told each other that we would hire movers for the next one. I just don’t have the patience for it. Good luck with it Holly!

  31. I have moved a ton because my dad was military. Moving gives you a clean slate and a new beginning in the real world, but I’ve never lived anywhere for more than 4 or 5 years, so I can’t compare it to anything.

  32. I’ve gotten to the point where I really only want to move one more time: when I buy a house. Of course, having to move every year for 10 years straight tends to burn you out on the whole packing and moving thing. You would think I would have a system by now but I always seem to accumulate more stuff every time.

  33. When we moved we didn’t hire movers, instead relying on friends. The move was brutal, and after buying food and drinks for everyone it was probably cheaper to hire movers. I’ll hire movers next time.

  34. Hahahaha, so you mashed the potatoes with a fork? Or literally your fingers?

    I LOATHE moving. That said I enjoy the part where you have the freedom to arrange things however you like, in the blank slate of an empty house – so much potential, so many possibilities.

  35. We moved several times when I was living with my parents, and I’ve moved multiple times since then. After the last move (funny, the only one I used movers for), I really don’t want to move again. I don’t mind the packing up but I have trouble finding homes for places when I unpack, and things tend to stay in boxes far longer than they should….

  36. I echo the sentiment of everyone who has agreed that movie is terrible. It’s so stressful and it definitely disrupts our lives a lot. I hope that we wont’ be moving for a long time – we just moved onto our home (which we bought) in December, and hopefully we’ll be here for years to come.

    You built a lot of memories in your home and while you may not love it, I have no doubt it will be bittersweet to leave.

  37. Lisa E. @ Lisa Vs. The Loans says:

    You’ll be so grateful when the move is over!

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