Month: September 2014

Cash Money: $5,965 in August Income and Blog Updates

Cash Money: $5,965 in August Income and Blog Updates

Good morning, party people.  It’s me again.  I’m back from my Brother-Sister-Divorce-Celebration-Vacation in Mexico and I’m happy to be home.  I had a great time and I will definitely write a review of the resort we visited and how I paid for the whole thing with credit card rewards, but I need some time to…

Avoid the Pitfalls of Blogging

Avoid the Pitfalls of Blogging

Kassandra Dasent is a self-employed wife and step-mom striving to live life beyond what money can buy. She writes about a variety of topics and personal experiences that all intersect with money.  You can communicate directly with Kassandra at More Than Just Money. You’ve decided to become a blogger?  Welcome to the jungle!  How’s that…

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