Why My Children Might Hate Me (Then Learn to Love Me Again)
Living frugally takes sacrifice and hard work. I can only hope my children will learn our financial values and appreciate our sacrifice when they are older.
Living frugally takes sacrifice and hard work. I can only hope my children will learn our financial values and appreciate our sacrifice when they are older.
Seriously folks, cable TV companies have pretty much the worst customer service EVAH! Here is another story about why I despise them.
Are you tired of being a slave to debt? Do you want to take back control of your life? Learn how to become debt free, and start living again, today!
Saving money is easy when you learn how to create and use a zero-sum budget. Create your own zero-sum budget using these easy steps.
Do you wanna know what is fun?…Saving money. Wanna know something else that is fun?…Having a lot of free time. Do you know what is costing you a lot of both of these things?…Your mindless addiction to the boob tube in front of you. The average American will spend aproximately 4,000 hours a year watching television. …
For years, we spent money without thinking about where it was going. Here’s how we used our budget to achieve financial freedom…and how you can too!
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