Cash Money: $6,150 in January Income and Blog Updates
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First of all, I want you to know that Monday was quite possibly the worst day ever. Well, not really. It did suck though. Here is the basic rundown of what happened:
- Even though I should know better, I signed up for Comcast internet for our new house. (Why do I punish myself in this way???) Our first bill is already wrong, like $16.00 too much wrong, and I spent at least 45 minutes talking to someone who still hasn’t fixed it. Sigh.
- I wrote an $1,150 check to someone from the new checking account I opened when we moved to our new, permanent home. Well, apparently they thought that it was suspicious and flagged the check for fraud or something. So it basically made it look like I had non-sufficient funds, even though I certainly did not. Needless to say, I’m mortified and embarrassed.
- Once I started writing this post, I realized that I did not post an income update for December. I know that most of you don’t care, but I’m super mad at myself for letting it fall through the cracks. ‘Doh!
Anyways, without further adieu, the total amount of money of cash money that I grossed as a self-employed goddess in January was……*drumroll, please*
This total includes all of the money that I made from my various streams of income:
- Credit Card Sales
- Consulting
- Freelance writing
- Affiliate advertising
- Ghost Writing
Please remember that I make the majority of my income from a variety of freelance writing jobs, not my blog. If you’re interested in learning how to get freelance writing jobs, please check out this post:
How To Get Freelance Writing Jobs
My Expenses
Fortunately, the fact that I work from home means that my expenses are low, if not almost non-existent. However, I did spend a little bit of cash money on staff writing for our new website in January. Here is a basic rundown of my expenses from last month:
- Staff Writing: $240
- Blog Hosting: $12
- Internet $120
Here are my income posts from the past few months if anyone is interested:
- Cash Money: $7,230 in June Income, Blog Updates, and Goals
- Cash Money: $7,083 in July Income and Blog Updates
- Cash Money: $6,605 in August Income and Blog Updates
- Cash Money: $6,350 in September Income and Blog Updates
- Cash Money: $6,480 in October Income and Blog Updates
- Cash Money: $5,650 in November Income and Blog Updates
- Cash Money: $5,325 in December Income and Blog Updates
I am actually surprised that I was able to do so well last month since it all started out so dang slow. However, I did a ton of work towards the end of the month which really helped my bottom line. I’m hoping that February turns out good too. At this point, I believe it will since I just received a very large affiliate check from They’ve owed me money FOREVA and I was seriously starting to think that I would never actually get paid. Whew. I also got hired for a high-paying writing job (one time gig) that might boost my income this month, but that’s IF I actually get paid this month. All my fellow freelancers know how that is.
Well, that’s what’s going on in my neck of the woods. We’re leaving for Jamaica on Friday so I’m making a final push through all of the assignments I need to get done before then. ‘Cause once Friday hits, it’s just gonna be me, Greg, and a bottomless Mojito in my hand.
How was your income in January? Was it up? Was it down? Please spill the beans in the comments below.
Glad January sped up for you after starting off slow – and fingers crossed that February will be even better!
Hey, thanks! I am going to take a small hit since I’ll be gone on vacation for a week….and since the month is so short =/
Impressive that you were able to do so well in January despite the busy start to the year. Enjoy your trip to Jamaica!
Jamaica will be so amazing! I loved going there for our honeymoon. January was a bit slow for me as well, but I had a few deals in the middle of the month that made it look “okay.” I’m pretty stuck at the $1k/month mark but my traffic is growing month-over-month so I’m just going to keep plugging away. I have to decide whether to take on some freelance work or just keep developing my site…not an easy choice.
Yeah, I hear ya. Maybe you could do both?!?!
Wow, congrats, you’ve made a very good income for January! I really love reading your blog income updates.
Thanks Clarisse =)
Wow, sorry to hear about the check. That said, glad to see that you had a good month overall. I can relate to your LinkOffers situation as I have a nice little chunk of money that seems like has been sitting there forever. I had a good month overall, though it was largely affiliate driven – but I’ll take it anyway I can get it. 🙂 I’ve picked up a few freelancing gigs as well, so that helps out to. Enjoy Jamaica!
Nice! Yeah, this last check took something like 3 months!
We had a similar situation this month! We paid a big bill by check and because we NEVER write checks anymore, they thought it was a fake. I’ve never had that happen before. It’s good to know that in the age of “nobody ever writes checks” the powers-that-be are really cracking down on a dead technology.
Ugh! In my case, it was the first check I had ever written out of that account. Since it was written to an individual and was a large sum, it got flagged.
My January started out really slow too, I’m hoping February will be better! I ended up making $820 in side income in January, which I’m happy with. If I keep that up, I’ll be able to hit my year end goal of 10k in 2014.
Have fun in Jamaica! You and Greg deserve it.
I’m at a pretty similar place as you. I’d love to keep going and make more! 🙂
My January was OK. It was great, like December, but it was OK. I won’t complain if things roll at January’s pace, but I won’t be super excited.
Freelancing sounds a little like working as a government contractor. Sometimes I get paid within a couple of weeks of submitting and invoice, and sometimes it takes months. January was a bit strange as it was the first month of not owning my practice. I did eventually get paid for everything, but it was literally in the last week of the month, so I was starting to get a little worried. All the more reason I’m happy with our big Efund. Bummer about the check. It’s one thing for people to think you are cheap or frugal or the coupon lady, but totally another when something doesn’t work like it’s supposed to and it looks like you bounced a check or didn’t make a payment. You want to wear a shirt that says “I promise I have funds” or something.
LOL, I know! Ugh!
I understand why they flagged it. It was the first check I had written and for $1,150! It was still embarrassing though.
Congrats on your January income! And I REALLY wish you did not have to rub it in our faces that you will be in Jamaica as I sit here in NY, looking at another 6 inches that fell yesterday while waiting on 6 more that’s supposed to come tonight. Wish I was going to Jamaica with you! 🙂
Hey, you’re invited.
Glad January picked up for you! It did for me as well but a lot of my work I did later in the month won’t get paid til this month. I’m still trying to figure out how to grow my income and deal with getting paid later and the fluctuating aspect. So many factors!
Yeah, once you get some momentum it all evens out. I’m usually paid in one month for my work from the past month.
Oh that stinks what happened with the check! Who would have ever thought? I guess it makes sense if it was the first check written- good to know- although I kind of wonder if you had been writing a bunch of $30 checks and then the big one came through if they still would have flagged it or not? We don’t write many checks anymore either, so I’ll have to be mindful of this.
Actually, I wrote a few other checks from that account (small ones) and they went through just fine. Pretty annoying!
That’s such a great income from writing, and other sources, Holly. I absolutely love hearing about others making money in this way, especially as I was told my whole life, as an English major, that there’s no money in writing. Says who, right?
Have a great time in Jamaica! We’re leaving on Friday too, for the big island of Hawaii — time to find some drinks with little umbrellas in them.
Yeah, exactly. I am not even an English major either!
Hey, have fun in Hawaii. That is one place I’d like to go soon. We’re talking about it for our 10th anniversary.
Your income reports are inspiring! Have a great time warming up in Jamaica 🙂
Oh, hell yeah.
You did awesome. Especially since you started out slow. My January was good but a lot of the money owed to me has come in the past couple days. If only it had made it in my Jan 31st it would have looked like a much better month lol. Oh well, here’s to a good February!
Yeah, I think that’s something you just get used to. Some people pay me quick and others take forever. It all works out somehow.
That’s great, Holly! Further proof that writers are not doomed to a life of low pay. And Jamaica–how exciting! Bottomless mojito mmmmmmmm
It just depends on your perspective, I suppose. It feels like a lot of $ to me since my old salary was around 35Kish.
Agreed. Linkoffers took FOREVER this month. I got a decent sum as well, and more coming next month. But man, two moths of waiting? Ugh!
Congrats on still rocking it harder than AC/DC on a blimp over Mt. Rushmore!
Thanks Jacob!
We just signed up for AT&T Uverse and we just received our first bill. They made THREE mistakes so I had to talk to them. They had our pricing wrong (overcharging us by $15 each month), they charged us TWO $100 installation fees, and they forgot about our reward bonus for signing up.
I’m so jealous that you are going to Jamaica. Have a blast!
Ugh! I hate billing errors!
Hey, when is your big trip?
It was cancelled 🙁 Too many things came up and we just can’t fit it in.
Ugh, I can relate. It really is hard to get away. That is the one thing about self-employment that I do not like. It never ends!
I’ve heard such horrible stories about Comcast. Billing errors are so annoying to deal with. I had a transfer from my bank account get flagged once. Luckily it was just to my boyfriend, but it was only $100 more than the last transfer I made, so it was a bit silly. You did great last month!
Oh yeah, there are entire websites dedicated to how awful Comcast is. I just want my bill to be right!
Do you count the money you are owed in your totals for the month? I want to track my business amounts, but I get paid about 5 days after my project is complete so I’m not sure which month to count it in!
Wow, that sounds like a rough Monday. But it’s awesome that you were able to get so much done, especially with everything you’ve got going on. And I seriously hate comcast, but unfortunately they have a literal monopoly here in Nashville. Hopefully your vacation allows you to relax!
So glad January was a great month!
Nice job! Hope you enjoy your trip to Jamaica!
Congrats on another good month. Too bad on the rough Monday, sometimes I think it’s just better to stay in bed on Mondays.
Wow, keep these post coming! They are very encouraging and you do a great job of letting everyone know you weren’t an overnight success and that it’s hard work getting started.
Good for you Holly! Hope everything works out and you get everything done before you leave 🙂
January sucked for me. I need to become a goat farmer or something. Stoked for you guys heading to Jamaica!
Well done Holly, Jamaica sounds super exciting!
Lol, our local bank account tried verifying funds when I did bill payments to Amex. I initiated the payment yet they still called my husband (also on account) to verify it was ok! I think small banks sometimes get a little overzealous with fraud protection.
Have fun in Jamaica! I dream about returning sooner rather than later. I saw $80/night condo rentals on TripAdvisor recently in Negril. While we’d have to get our own food and probably rent a car, I’m looking at cheap ways to return to beautiful beaches.
Hey thinks for sharing your monthly income and expenses with us. Too often people who work from home or mainly online don’t really track how much money they make. Maybe you have it in another post, but do you also track how much time you spend working? Do you ever figure out how much you make per hour doing the various work you do?
Thanks again for your interesting post!
Hi Michael! No, I don’t track how much time I spend but it’s probably about 40 hours per week. I don’t really care how much I make per hour because my budgeting is all done monthly.
I absolutely hate Comcast customer service! Hope they correct your bill soon.
Wow! Great job! I went MIA a bit – on a long vacation w/ my family through Sunday but they are out doing something and I have some stuff to catch up on. Way to go!